Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - september 6th, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, september 6th, 2023.


Listed companies results Q2-23

During the 2nd quarter of 2023, listed companies' achievements took place in a context marked by a slowdown in the inflation level in Morocco. The latter fell from a high of 10.1% in February to 5.5% in June 2023.

Morning brief

Morning Brief september 6th 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of september  6th 2023.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - september 5th, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, september 5th, 2023.

Morning brief

Morning Brief september 5th 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of september  5th 2023.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - september 4th, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, september 4th, 2023.


MAD Insights september 1st, 2023

USD/MAD appreciated by +1.24% from 9.99 to 10.11 this week. The Dollar is thus appreciating for the 4th consecutive week to go back above MAD 10 for the  first time since June. The evolution of the EUR/USD pair remains mainly dependent on the monetary policy decisions of the Fed and the ECB. [...]

Morning brief

Morning Brief septembre 4th, 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of septembre 4th, 2023.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - september 1st, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, september 1st, 2023.