Listed Companies - H1-24 Results

For the H1-24, listed companies have published positive operational and financial results. This is reflected through a 56% achievement rate( of profits in H1-24, compared to our initial forecasts re-garding the AGR-30 stock universe.


Key Rate - September 2024

The confirmation by the Court of Appeal of the fine worth MAD 6.4 Bn payable to Wana Corporate, then the disbursement of this amount by Maroc Telecom, constitute, in our opinion, the end of a long regulatory episode which weighed on the stock’s performance.


Morocco Key Rate Expectations - September 2024

During our recent survey, we identified investors' expectations regarding the evolution of the Moroc-can Central Bank Key rate during its 3rd monetary policy meeting scheduled for September 24th, 2024.


Listed companies results Q2-24

The publication of listed companies’ mid-term results took place in a context marked by the continued easing of inflation.


AGR-ABI S1-2024

After an almost two-year lull, Sub-Saharan African issuers are clawing their way back in international markets. In fact, with a few exceptions, African countries were largely excluded from the international Eurobonds market.


MAD Insights August 16th 2024

At the origin of this development, a double "market - basket" effect in favor of the Dirham. In more detail, the basket effect stands at -0.44% and the market effect stands at -0.18% due to the significant easing of liquidity conditions on the foreign exchange market.


MAD Insights of August 8th 2024

EUR/USD is trading close to 1.10, up +0.51% from 1.086 a week earlier.

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Buy Recommendation : Moroccan Banks

In this Research Paper, we focused on the evolution of the valuation multiples of the Banks index and the MASI index over the period 2010-2024E.



Akdital's capital increase of MAD 1.0 Bn is a continuation of its development model which is mainly “growth” focused. [...]