| MOROCCO | CIH BANK | RCAR crossed upwards the 5% participation threshold
According to AMMC, RCAR acquired, on September 3rd 2024, 660,294 CIH Bank shares at a unit price of MAD 358, as part of its subscription to the capital increase of CIH Bank, thus crossing directly upwards the participation threshold of 5% in the bank’s capital. As a result of this operation, RCAR holds 1,639,980 CIH Bank shares, representing 5.21% of its capital.
Within the six months following this operation, RCAR plans to continue its purchases of CIH Bank shares.


| CAMEROON | GDP | A growth rate of 3.2% in Q1 2024
According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Cameroon, the country's GDP grew by 3.2% in Q1 2024 compared to Q1 2023. This results from the improvement in the activity of the three sectors: primary (+4.1%), tertiary (+4.4%) and secondary (+0.7%).

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