| MOROCCO | COSUMAR | NIGS up 8% in 2022, DPS raised to MAD 7

| MOROCCO | EQDOM | Net income more than doubled in 2022, DPS raised to MAD 55

| MOROCCO | MAROC TELECOM | AMMC approved the company¡¦s share buyback program
AMMC approved, on March 15th 2023, the prospectus related to Maroc Telecom share buyback program. The main characteristics of this program are as follows:
- Number of shares to be held : 1,500,000 shares (corresponding to 0.17% of capital);
- Maximum purchasing price per share : MAD 151 or its corresponding value in euro;
- Minimum selling price per share : MAD 70 or its corresponding value in euro;
- Program¡¦s duration : from April 10th 2023 to October 9th 2024.

| TOGO | INFLATION | An inflation rate of 5.2% in February 2023

According to Togo’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies, the Harmonized Consumer Prices Index decreased by 1.1% in February 2023 compared to the previous month. Year-on-year, the inflation rate settled at 5.2%.

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