| MOROCCO | TGCC | Ordinary bond issue by private placement of an amount of MAD 450 Mn
In a press release, TGCC announced the realization, on July 22th 2024, of an ordinary bond issue, by private placement with quali-fied investors, for a total amount of MAD 450 Mn. It should be noted that this transaction was structured in a single tranche at a revisable rate and repayable by linear annual amortizations over a period of 4 years.


| WAMEU | FOREIGN TRADE | A trade surplus of FCFA 134.8 Bn in Q1 2024
According to the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), imports of the UEMOA region in Q1 2024 amounted to FCFA 7186.8 Bn, up 1.7%. Likewise, exports rose by 10.1% to FCFA 7321.6 Bn. To this end, the trade balance of the union showed a surplus of FCFA 134.8 Bn in Q1 2024 against a deficit of FCFA 417.4 Bn in the same period of 2023.


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