| MOROCCO | ARADEI CAPITAL | Guaranteed bond loan issue by private placement for an amount of MAD 600 Mn

In a press release, Aradei Capital announces the issuance of a guaranteed bond loan by private placement for an amount of MAD 600 Mn with qualified investors. The operation was structured as follows:
- A fixed-rate tranche A, repayable in fine at the end of a period of 5 years;
- A tranche B at an annually revisable rate, repayable in fine at the end of a period of 5 years;
- A fixed-rate tranche C, repayable by annual linear amortization over a period of 7 years and;
- A tranche D at an annually revisable rate, repayable by annual linear amortization over a period of 7 years.
The aim of this operation is to enable Aradei Capital to optimize existing financing conditions and to finance its new investments.

| MOROCCO | IMMORENTE INVEST | Invitation to the OGM to be held extraordinarily
The shareholders of Immorente Invest are convened to an OGM to be held extraordinarily on September 7th 2023. The latter de-cides to payout an exceptional dividend of MAD 2.0 per share.
Payment will take place as follows:
- The first payment will take place from September 1st 2023 and will consist of the payout of MAD 1.0 per share;
- The second payment will take place from December 1st 2023 and will consist of the payout of MAD 1.0 per share.

| NIGER | INFLATION | An inflation rate of 1.7% in June 2023

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), Niger's Harmonized Consumer Prices Index rose by 1.9% in June 2023 com-pared to the previous month. Year-on-year, the inflation rate stands at +1.7%.

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