
MAD Insights - july 28th, 2021

The European currency remains under pressure this week and continues its decline against the dollar; i.e. -0.30%, from 1.181 to 1.177.


MAD Insights - july 23th, 2021

The single currency continues to decline this week amid growing fears around the spread of the Delta variant in several countries.


MAD Insights - july 15th, 2021

At the end of this week, EUR/USD stabilizes at last week’s level of 1.188. As a reminder, it fell below 1.18 during the week, reaching its lowest since April 2021.


MAD Insights - july 7th, 2021

During this week, the dollar appreciates by + 0.6% against the euro. The EUR/USD pair fell to 1.187 against 1.194 a week earlier.


MAD Insights - july 1st, 2021

The sharp drop in the EUR/USD parity recorded last week was readjusted this week. The euro appreciates against the dollar by + 0.6%, going from 1.186 to 1.194 over the week.

Crise de dette en Afrique

Africa charts a course out of the debt crisis

The pandemic has put a spotlight on the continent’s fragile economy, but there is a path forward to help vulnerable countries climb out of a debt pit.


MAD Insights - june 23rd, 2021

Fed pushes dollar to 2-month high. During its meeting this week, the Fed announced its intention to raise interest rates by 2023.


MAD Insights - june 18th, 2021

EUR/USD reacts to inflation Data. The EUR/USD pair moved this week from 1.210 to 1.211, down -0.48% in comparison to the last week.

Sub saharan Africa economies

Sub saharan Africa economies : What behavior toward covid shock

We had three reasons to believe that the SSA economies would be rather resilient facing the Covid-19 pandemic. We were referring to a foreseeable natural immunity of the Region citizens, to a pressure on the authorities to ease the barrier measures as well as to a limited exposure of SSA’s countries to the tourism sector.