
MAD Insights February 29th, 2024

The Dollar depreciates against the Dirham this week to 10.04 against 10.07 the previous week, a variation of -0.26%. This evolution is explained by a negative basket effect of -0.34% after the depreciation of the Dollar this week. The liquidity effect, for its part, came out positive to +0.08% to the disadvantage of the Dirham.


MAD Insights February 23th, 2024

The Dollar appreciates against the Dirham this week to 10.07 against 10.04 the previous week, a variation of +0.34%. This evolution is explained by a double positive effect.


MAD Insights February 15th, 2024

The Dollar appreciates against the Dirham this week to 10.04 after 10.01 the previous week, a variation of +0.23%. This evolution is explained by a basket effect of +0.37% following the strengthening of the Dollar. The liquidity effect, for its part, stands at -0.14% in favor of the Dirham.


MAD Insights February 9th, 2024

The Dollar goes back above 10 Dirhams The Dollar appreciated against the Dirham this week to 10.01, a variation of +0.36%. This variation is explained by a double effect: a basket effect of +0.06% following the appreciation of the Dollar internationally and a liquidity effect of +0.30% to the disadvantage of the Dirham.


MAD Insights February 2nd, 2024

The Dollar appreciated slightly against the Dirham this week to 9.98, a variation of +0.12%. This evolution is mainly explained by a basket effect of +0.13% after the appreciation of the Dollar internationally this week.


MAD Insights January 26th 2024

The Dollar appreciated slightly against the Dirham this week to 9.97, a variation of +0.17%. This evolution is explained by a basket effect of +0.50% following the strengthening of the Dollar internationally this week.


MAD Insights January 4th 2024

The dirham appreciated slightly at the end of the year against the dollar, going from 9.91 to 9.89. Thus, the USD/MAD pair closes 2023 with a drop of -0.18%.


MAD Insights November 22nd 2023

The USD/MAD depreciated this week by -0.47% from  10.15 to 10.10. This evolution is mainly explained by a negative basket  effect of -1.00% following the depreciation of the Dollar internationally this week.


Listed companies results Q3-23

At the end of the 3rd quarter of 2023, the 67 listed companies having released their quarterly results showed a modest growth in their revenue of +4.8% to MAD 74.4 Bn.