
MAD Insights - june 3rd, 2022

Given the USD decline on the international foreign exchange market as well as the improvement in liquidity conditions in the domestic interbank compartment, we have witnessed a drop in the USD/MAD parity of -1.12 % at 9.90.


MAD Insights - may 27th, 2022

The rise of the single currency has supported the appreciation of the MAD against the dollar as the market effect was insignificant.


MAD Insights - may 20th, 2022

The USD/MAD parity is strengthening this week at 10.13. Originally, a significant basket effect for the MAD of +1.03% to which is added a liquidity effect of +0.40%.

AGR Indice de Confiance-Maroc

AGR Confidence Index - Morocco

At the end of this 20th edition, the investors' perception toward the Equity market over the coming 3 months has shifted from the "Assurance" phase to the "Wait and See" phase.


MAD Insights november 13th, 2021

The USD/MAD parity is settling this week at 9.99. This is due to a basket effect for the MAD of -0.18% offset by a liquidity effect of +0.15%. The USD depreciated slightly by -0.03% against the dirham over one Week but remains at 2-year highs.


MAD Insights may 6th, 2022

The USD/MAD pair crossed the 10 threshold for the first time in 2 years last thursday before closing the week at 9.99. The dirham depreciates against the USD for the 5th consecutive week.


MAD Insights - april 28th, 2022

The Dirham is depreciating this week against the EUR and the USD for the 4th week in a row. This is due to a restrictive liquidity effect of the MAD of +0.27% and a neutral basket effect.


MAD Insights - april 22nd, 2022

and the USD. This is due to a restrictive liquidity effect for the MAD of more than +0.31%. This effect was larger than the basket effect. The USD/MAD and EUR/MAD pairs have increased by +0.54% and +0.16% respectively this week.


MAD Insights - april 15th, 2022

The MAD is depreciating this week against the USD. The USD/MAD pair evolves by +0.34%. The basket effect stands at +1.07%, offsetting the liquidity effect.