Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - december 6th, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, december 6th, 2023.

Morning brief

Morning Brief décember 6th, 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of   décember 6th, 2023.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - december 5th, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, december 5th, 2023.

Morning brief

Morning Brief décember 5th, 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of   décember 5th, 2023.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - december 4th, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, december 4th, 2023.

Morning brief

Morning Brief décember 4th, 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of   décember 4th, 2023.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing - december 1st, 2023

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, december 1st, 2023.



CFG Bank is the first bank to list on the stock market since BCP Group in 2004. This operation will be carried out through a capital increase of MAD 600 Mn equivalent to a floating rate of 15.6%.

Morning brief

Morning Brief décember 1st, 2023

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of   décember 1st, 2023.