
Key Rate Expectations - december 2020

Financial investors expectations towards the key rate in december 2020 Following our survey conducted in December, we have identified investors' expectations toward the evolution of the Moroccan central bank key rate by the end of 2020.

Réajustement prime risque AGR

AGR Confidence Index : Improving confidence toward equity market

Morocco risk premium analysis by Attijari Global Research

AGR confidence index

AGR Confidence Index : Improving confidence toward equity market

After hitting a low since April 2013, we note a significant improvement in investor confidence toward the Equity market in September 2020. In more details, AGR Confidence Index stood at 46.6 pts, up +11.1 pts in comparison to the previous edition.

Sondage taux directeur S2-2020

Key Rate Survey H2-20

In our survey conducted in September, we identified investors' expectations regarding the evolution of the Moroccan central bank key rate in H2-20. Recall that this survey was carried out among a sample of 34 investors regarded as the most influential within the Moroccan stock market.

Inflated decline of equities in Morocco

A global Panic…, an inflated decline of equities in Morocco

In this unstable global context, it would be pretentious to say that the Moroccan Equity market is completely spared. Indeed, there are several transmission channels of the deterioration of interna-tional economic conditions to Morocco.   

Adjustment of equity risk in Morocco

Morocco : An expected adjustment of Equity Risk Premium

Equity Risk Primium analysis by Attijari Global Research

Trimestriel AGR Africa Bond Index

AGR ABI-10th Edition

In this sixth edition, we have tracked the AGR Africa Bond Index evolution during Q2-2020. During this period, the index has experienced a sharp rebound in terms of value and outstandings.