IBORE Transition

IBOR Transition

In recent years, the questioning of the reliability of IBOR rates has triggered a reform that will lead to the gradual disappearance of these interest reference rates and their replacement by other benchmark indices.

Financing Governments and State Owned Enterprises (SEO)

Participation of Taha Jaidi, General Manager Attijari Global Research, to the 24th Annual ASEA Conference – African Securities Exchange Association, November 2021

AGR -PDR septembre 2021

Morocco - AGR Equity Risk Premium - nov 2021

The results of the various methods computed in this 19th edition - November 2021.    

Research Report Fixed Income

AGR ABI-11th Edition

In this 11th edition, we analysed the AGR Africa Bond Index evolution during Q3-21.

AGR Confidence Index - Morocco

AGR Confidence Index - Morocco - October

For this edition, we note a continued improvement in investor confidence toward the Equity market.


Key Rate Expectations-Sept 21

Following our survey conducted in September, we have identified investors' expectations toward the evolution of the Moroccan central bank key rate on the sidelines of its 3rd meeting of Q3-21.

Taux directeur

AGR Africa Bond Index -10th Edition

GHANA : the issuing of an « Unprecedented» Eurobond. The international debt markets continue to be favourable for Eurobond issuance. For this Q2-2021, it is Ghana's turn to raise significant funds of $ 3.0 Bn.

Research Report Strategy Mai 2021

Morocco - AGR Equity Risk Premium - may 2021

On the sidelines of our last survey carried out among the 35 most influential investors in the Moroccan stock market, we have updated the required profitability towards stocks. Not surprisingly, the Equity Risk Premium reaches a record low of 5.6%, supported by the sustainable context of low interest rates in Morocco.

AGR Indice  de Confiance-Maroc

AGR Confidence Index - Morocco : confidence toward equity market at 5-year high.

For this edition, we note a significant improvement in investor confidence toward the Equity market.