The USD/MAD pair appreciated by +0.53% to 10.87 in one week. This can be explaied by the continued appreciation of the Dollar internationally neutralized the improvement in liquidity conditions within the
interbank foreign exchange market.

Under these conditions, liquidity spreads fell by -79 BPS to 2.84%, for the first time in more than a month.

According to the latest available data, the foreign exchange position fell sharply to MAD 649 Mn this week against 5.6 MMDH a week earlier. This development is mainly explained by the outflow of dividends from foreign shareholders during this month.

The week was characterized by intense volatility in the international foreign exchange markets. Again, the
Dollar is projected to the fore as "the" safe-haven asset in a context of energy crisis in Europe.

More than ever, highly ST hedging strategies are necessary in such a volatile environment.

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