Executive summary

Côte d'Ivoire displays particularly attractive macroeconomic indicators. Growth has been evolving at a very high pace, exceeding 7.0% since 2012, with an average inflation rate below 1.0%. The fiscal deficit is in line with the community threshold of 3.0% while the current account deficit is at an acceptable level of 4.7%. That said, the country faces other challenges which would have an impact on this growth sustainability over the medium-long term.

This Finance Act comes in a context that coincides with a presidential election process scheduled for next October. FY 2020 also marks the end of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2016-2020. All this means that this is a delicate transition period discouraging rupture decisions, and encouraging taking part of the continuity process.

However, 2020 FAD presents a solid fiscal construction and consistent fiscal measures. FY 2020 should maintain strong growth of 7.3% and a stable fiscal deficit of 3.0%.

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