| MOROCCO | LABEL VIE | Project to acquire 100% of the capital of the company “Financement Nouveau A Crédit”

In a press release, the Competition Council announces having received the notification of an economic concentration relating to the acquisition of the exclusive control of the company Financement Nouveau A Crédit “FNAC”, by the company “Label Vie” through the acquisition of 100% of its par capital and associated voting rights.

| BENIN | FOREIGN TRADE | Figures in Q2 2023

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSTAD), Benin's exports of goods decreased by 10.0% in Q2 2023 to FCFA 167.0 Bn. Likewise, imports of goods fell by 7.2% to settle at FCFA 514.0 Bn during the same period.

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