| MOROCCO | CMT | A press release

According to a press release, CMT informs the public that it is presently being audited by the Office des Changes. Pending the outcome of discussions between CMT and the Office des Changes, an allowance of MAD 10 Mn has been recorded in the accounts.

| BENIN | GDP | An economic growth of 6.5% in Q2 2023

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INStaD), the growth rate of the Beninese economy reached 6.5% in Q2 2023 compared to 6.4% in Q2 2022. This was driven by an increase in the added value of the primary (+5.2%), secondary (+6.7%) and tertiary (+6.9%) sectors.

| CÔTE D’IVOIRE | FINANCE ACT | The 2024 general budget is projected at FCFA 13,721 Bn
The Ivorian government has adopted the draft Finance Act for the year 2024. Therefore, the general state budget is projected at FCFA 13,721 Bn, i.e. an increase of 17.3% compared to the revised Finance Act of 2023.

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