| MOROCCO | CSE | Investors’ profile in Q2 2023

According to AMMC figures related to investors’ profile within the stock market in Q2 2023, the volume traded on the central market was monopolized up to 46% by Moroccan legal entities, 29% by UCITS, 11% by Moroccan individuals and 10% by foreign legal entities.

| MOROCCO | REAL ESTATE | New housing assistance program

King Mohammed VI chaired yesterday a working session dedicated to the new housing assistance program. The latter extends over the period 2024-2028 and provides direct financial aid to buyers. In more detail, it is:
- An aid of MAD 100,000 for the acquisition of a housing whose sale price is less than or equal to MAD 300,000 including tax;
- An aid of MAD 70,000 for the acquisition of a housing whose sale price varies between MAD 300,000 including tax and MAD 700,000 including tax.

| SENEGAL | FOREIGN TRADE | Widening of the trading deficit at the end of August 2023
According to the National Agency for Statistics and Demography (ANSD), Senegal's exports showed a drop of 3.1% at the end of August 2023 to FCFA 2,287.3 Bn. Furthermore, imports increased by 1.6% to stand at FCFA 4,666.8 Bn. In this context, the trade balance shows a deficit of FCFA -2,379.5 Bn at the end of August 2023 compared to FCFA -2,232.3 Bn a year earlier.

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