| MOROCCO | SURVEY | The production capacity utilization rate stable at 79% in March 2024
The results of Bank Al-Maghrib's monthly economic survey show an improvement in production and sales during the month of March 2024. Meanwhile, the production capacity utilization rate remained stable at 79%. Likewise, orders would have remained stable during the same period. Nevertheless, order books would have remained at a lower level than normal.

| CAMEROON | PUBLIC DEBT | An increase of 1% in outstanding debt at the end of March 2024
According to Caisse Autonome d'Amortissement, the outstanding public sector debt amounts to FCFA 12,714 Bn (42.9% of GDP) at the end of March 2024 compared to FCFA 12,575.7 Bn a year earlier, i.e. an increase of 1 .1% year-on-year.


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