| MOROCCO | CSE | Foreign investors hold 28% of market capitalization in 2022
According to AMMC latest report on capital markets, the overall value of shares held by foreign investors amounted to MAD 156 Bn in 2022, down 25.3% year-on-year. This represents 27.8% of the market capitalization against 30.3% in 2021. It should be noted that foreign investment in listed shares remains essentially constituted of strategic holdings up to 91.8%.

| WAEMU | INFLATION | An inflation rate of 5.7% in March 2023
According to the Central Bank of West Africa (BCEAO), the inflation rate in WAEMU countries stood at 5.7% in March 2023, year-on-year. This results from the increase in the prices of food products, transport services and housing.

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