| MOROCCO | MANAGEM | NIGS down 68% in 2023, DPS stable at MAD 30

| MOROCCO | DELTA HOLDING | NIGS up 14% in 2023, DPS raised to MAD 1.5

| MOROCCO | ATLANTASANAD | Net income up 8% in 2023, DPS raised to MAD 5.7

| MOROCCO | TIMAR | NIGS up 71% in 2023

| MOROCCO | ZELLIDJA | A loss of MAD 1 in 2023

| MOROCCO | INFLATION | An inflation rate of 0.3% in February 2024

In February 2024, the Consumer Prices Index fell by 0.3% compared to January 2024. Year-on-year, the inflation rate stands at 0.3%.
Note that the underlying inflation indicator which excludes products at volatile prices and products at public tariffs, increased by 0.2% in February 2024 compared to the previous month and by 2.2% compared to February 2023.

| TUNISIA | WORKERS REMITTANCES | An increase of 4% as of March 10th 2024
As of March 10th 2024, Tunisia’s workers remittances recorded an increase of 4.1% compared to the same period of the previous year, to settle at TND 1,377.1 Mn.

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