| MOROCCO | OULMES | Issuance of an ordinary bond loan by private placement

In a press release, Oulmes announces the issuance of an ordinary bond loan by private placement for a total amount of MAD 300 Mn, with qualified investors. The transaction was structured around two tranches:
- A fixed-rate tranche A, with a 3-year maturity, negotiable over the counter and repayable by annual straight-line amortization;
- A tranche B at a quarterly revisable rate, with a 3-year maturity negotiable over the counter and repayable by annual straight-line amortization.

| TOGO | INFLATION | An infaltion rate of 5.8% in May 2023

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) of Togo, the Harmonized Con-sumer Prices Index fell by 0.3% in May 2023, compared to the month April 2023. Year-on-year, the inflation rate stands at 5.8%.

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