| MOROCCO | MARSA MAROC | The stake in the capital of Société de Manutention d’Agadir raised to 100%
In a press release, Marsa Maroc announces the increase of its stake in the capital of the subsidiary Société de Manutention d'Aga-dir from 51% to 100%. Through total control over Société de Manutention d'Agadir, Marsa Maroc aims to deploy strong operation-al synergies with the other multipurpose terminal it operates at the port of Agadir, to offer a better service quality to its clients.
Note that Société de Manutention d'Agadir is the concessionary company for the Terminal Quai Nord of the Port of Agadir under the concession contract signed with the National Ports Agency on August 25th 2016.


| TUNISIA | WORKERS REMITTANCES | An increase of 4% in H1 2024
In H1 2024, Tunisia’s workers remittances recorded an increase of 4.0% compared to the same period of the previous year, to reach TND 3,665.3 Mn.

| TUNISIA | TOURISM | Tourism receipts up 7% in H1 2024
In H1 2024, Tunisia’s tourism receipts settle at TND 2,801.1 Mn, displaying an increase of 6.6% compared to the same period of the previous year.


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