| MOROCCO | AIR TRAFFIC | An increase of 19% in H1 2024
In June 2024, air traffic stood at 2,745,454 passengers, recording an increase of 22% compared to the same period of the previous year. In H1 2024, airports in Morocco welcomed 15,104,579 passengers against 12,667,160 passengers in H1 2023, i.e. equivalent to an increase of 19%.

| BURKINA FASO | FOREIGN TRADE | Improvement in the trade deficit in Q1 2024
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSD), Burkina Faso's exports increased by -20.7% in Q1 2024 to FCFA 837.7 Bn, year-on-year. Likewise, imports increased by 5.7% to stand at FCFA 914.0 Bn. In this context, the trade balance shows a deficit of FCFA -76.2 Bn in Q1 2024 compared to FCFA -170.7 Bn a year earlier.


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