| MOROCCO | CIH BANK | Capital increase for an amount of MAD 350 Mn
The AMMC approved, on June 28th 2028, a prospectus related to the capital increase reserved for shareholders and holders of preferential subscription rights. The main characteristics of the operation are as follows:
- Maximum amount of the operation: MAD 349,944,642;
- Maximum number of shares to be issued: 977,499 new shares;
- Issue price: MAD 358 per share;
- Unit Par value: MAD 100 per share;
- Date of use: January 1st 2024;
- Subscription period: July 12th to August 19th 2024 included.


| WAEMU | INFLATION | BOAD authorizes new financing of FCFA 162 Bn
At the end of its Board of Directors meeting on June 27th 2024, the West African Bank of Development (BOAD) authorizes new commitments for a total amount of FCFA 162,339 Bn in favor of WAEMU zone economies. Note that the total commitments of the BOAD to date (all operations combined) amounts to FCFA 8,723.7 Bn since the start-up of its operational activities in 1976.

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