| MOROCCO | HPS | Signature of a SaaS contract with a one of the largest banks in Australia
In a press release, HPS announces the opening of a new entity in Sydney, Australia, marking a significant expansion in the Asia-Pacific region. Furthermore, the Group announces the signature of a SaaS contract with one of Australia's largest banks, expand-ing its customer base in the region.


| MOROCCO | BANK ACCOUNTS | Figures at the end of December 2023
According to Bank Al-Maghrib's latest report on bank account statistics, 36.3 million accounts are opened at the end of December 2023, including 3.3 million new accounts opened during the year 2023. The latter recorded an increase of 8.6% y-o-y.
Meanwhile, the bank account detention rate rose to 54% in 2023 against 53% in 2022. This is defined as the ratio between the number of residents with at least one active bank account and the resident adult population.

| TUNISIA | FOREIGN TRADE | Reduction of the trade deficit by 8% in H1 2024
In H1 2024, Tunisia’s exports recorded an increase of 2.2% to TND 31,953.8 Mn. Meanwhile, imports remained stable at TND 39,970.4 Mn. In this context, the trade deficit fell by 7.7% to stand at TND -8,016.6 Mn. The latter corresponds to a coverage rate of 79.9%, i.e. an improvement of 1.6 points compared to the same period of 2023.


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