| MOROCCO | TOURISM | Figures at the end of October 2023

According to the latest figures from the Tourism Observatory, tourist arrivals amounted to 12,272,986 at the end of October 2023, up 39% compared to the end of October 2022.
At the same time, overnight stays at classified accommodation establishments stood at 21,866,162 at the end of October 2023, recording an increase of 42% compared to the same period of 2022. In this context, the average room occupancy rate reached 49% during the same period.

| TUNISIA | INFLATION | An inflation rate of 8.3% in November 2023
According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of Tunisia, the Consumer Prices Index increased by 0.3% in November 2023 compared to the previous month. On an annual basis, the inflation rate stands at 8.3% in November after 8.6% in October 2023.

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