| MOROCCO | INFRASTRUCTURE | ADM plans an investment budget of MAD 2.1 Bn in 2024

The Board of Directors of Société Nationale des Autoroutes du Maroc (ADM), held on December 26th 2023, approved the budget for the FY 2024. This provides for revenue worth MAD 3.8 Bn. up 3% compared to 2023 as well as an investment budget of MAD 2.1 Bn during the same year.

| CEMAC | BANKING LOANS | An increase of 14% at the end of September 2023
According to the Bank of Central African States (BEAC), banking loans in the CEMAC region reached FCFA10,837.7 Bn at the end of September 2023 against FCFA 9,508.1 Bn a year earlier, i.e. an increase of 14 % year-on-year. In detail, short-term credits represent 56% of these loans, compared to 41% for medium-term credits and 3% for long-term credits.

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