| MOROCCO | ADDOHA | A consolidated net income of MAD 188 Mn in 2023

| MOROCCO | ALLIANCES | Consolidated net income up 39% in 2023, DPS set at MAD 3

| MOROCCO | CMT | Parent company net income down 21% in 2023

| MOROCCO | SOTHEMA | NIGS down 1% in 2023, DPS lowered to MAD 17

| MOROCCO | RDS | A loss of MAD 67 Mn in 2023

| MOROCCO | PROMOPHARM | Net income down 24% in 2023

| MOROCCO | CTM | Invitation to the OGM for the issuance of a bond loan worth MAD 300 Mn
CTM’s shareholders are convened to the Ordinary General Meeting, which will be held on May 6th 2024. This should deliberate on the issuance of ordinary bonds, with or without public offering, for a maximum amount of MAD 300 Mn achievable in one or more issuances, within a period of 5 years.


| MOROCCO | RATING | S&P raises Morocco's outlook from stable to positive
The international rating agency Standard & Poor's maintained Morocco's sovereign debt rating at BB+/B and raised the outlook associated with this rating from stable to positive.


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