Equity april

Listed companies-2021 Results

During FY 2021, listed companies annual results were relatively expected by investors, after a less favorable year 2020 marked by the negative repercussions of the health crisis.


MAD Insights - april 1st, 2022

The Dirham appreciates this week against the Dollar and the Euro. The EUR/MAD and USD/MAD parities thus fell by -1.34% and -1.10% respectively.


MAD Insights - march 22nd, 2022

The USD/MAD parity rose by +0.21% to 9.70 this week, a 20-month high. At the origin of this depreciation of the MAD, a double positive basket/liquidity effect of +0.04% and +0.17% respectively.

Analyse des résultats de l'action Label Vie

Research Paper - LBV 2021 Results

After a decline of -1.0% in H1-21, Label Vie recorded an important recovery in its activity in H2-21 of +14.2%. In this context, the Group's consolidated revenue rose by +6.8% in 2021 to MAD 11,758 Mn.


MAD Insights - march 4th, 2022

The depreciation of the Dirham against the Dollar continues this week with an increase in the parity of +1.07% to 9.52. This is a 19-month high.

Results of listed companies Q4-21

Results of listed companies Q4-21

In a context marked by a growth of the Moroccan economy of +4.9% in Q4-21 against a decline of -6.0% during the same quarter of the previous year, listed companies continue to improve their results .


MAD Insights - february 25th, 2022

The depreciation of the Dirham against the Dollar is confirmed this week through a variation of the parity of +0.92% to 9.42.


MAD Insights - february 17th, 2022

The Dirham depreciated this week against the Dollar as the USD/MAD parity increased by +0.44% to 9.34.


Côte d'Ivoire_FA 2022_ The National Development Plan on the righ track

While the central issue of several countries in the region is the sustainability of a sustained growth, Côte d'Ivoire presents other challenges.