Q4-23 Listed companies results

In 2023, listed companies operated in an economic context marked by an average inflation rate of 6.1%, compared with 6.6% a year earlier. This easing of inflationary pressures was reflected in the growth in the market’s revenue, which broke with the high levels observed during the 2021-2022 period.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing March 6th, 2024

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, March 6th, 2024.


MAD Insights February 29th, 2024

The Dollar depreciates against the Dirham this week to 10.04 against 10.07 the previous week, a variation of -0.26%. This evolution is explained by a negative basket effect of -0.34% after the depreciation of the Dollar this week. The liquidity effect, for its part, came out positive to +0.08% to the disadvantage of the Dirham.

Morning brief

Morning Brief march 6th, 2024

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of  march 6th, 2024.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing March 5th, 2024

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, March 5th, 2024.

Morning brief

Morning Brief march 5th, 2024

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of  march 5th, 2024.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing March 4th, 2024

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, March 4th, 2024.

Morning brief

Morning Brief march 4th, 2024

Find the main news from the financial and economic markets for the day of  march 4th, 2024.

Casablanca Closing Equity

Casablanca Closing March 1st, 2024

Find the evoltions of activity index in casablanca MASI, March 1st, 2024.