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If you are interested, we invite you to contact your Attijariwafa bank relationship manager.


Bank Alerts

Track all events on your company's accounts through notifications.

Une information complète sur le fonctionnement de vos comptes

Complete Information on the operation of your accounts

Keep up to date on all your account movements: balance, outstanding payments (cheques, direct debits, credits...), due dates, availability of your means of payment (cheque book, SBE and bank cards...), and much more.

Des alertes en temps réel

Real-time Alerts

Receive our alerts in real time, by email or by notification on your mobile, in order to better manage your accounts and anticipate your decisions.

Une programmation personnalisée des notifications

Customized Notification Scheduling

Set up your online notifications by choosing your accounts concerned by the notifications, the desired alerts, the threshold of these alerts, the time slot of reception and the users entitled to receive them. You can customize your alerts in the "Notifications" section of the Cash Management module and their recipients in the "Administration" section.

Our advisers are here to help you


Attijariwafa bank's Customer Relationship Center is available for any request for assistance via:

From Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm