| MOROCCO | AIR TRAFFIC | A record of nearly 20 million passengers at the end of September 2023

According to the National Airports Office, Morocco's airports experienced, during the first nine months of 2023, a new record with 19,413,904 passengers, i.e. an increase of 3% compared to the same period of 2019 and 35% compared to 2022.

| TUNISIA | KEY RATE | The Central Bank keeps the key rate unchanged at 8%
Following its meeting held on October 18th 2023, the Board of Directors of the Tunisia’s Central Bank decided to keep the key rate unchanged at 8%.

| TOGO | INDUSTRY | Industrial production up 7.8% in July 2023
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED), Togo's renovated Industrial Production Index increased by 7.8% in July 2023, year-on-year. This is mainly attributable to the dynamism of “Extractive indus-tries” (+78.1%), “Industries for the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water” (+15.7%) and “ Environmental indus-tries” (+5.1%).

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