| MOROCCO | RISMA | Thresholds crossing
According to AMMC, Accor SA sold, on August 2nd 2023, 4,776,605 Risma shares at the unit price of MAD 130 to Mutris SCA, cross-ing downwards the participation thresholds of 33.33%, 20%, 10% and 5% in the company capital.

Following this transaction, Accor SA declares no longer holding any Risma shares.


| BURKINA FASO | INDUSTRY | Industrial production up +7.6% in Q1-2023
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INSD) of Burkina Faso, the industrial production index recorded an increase of +7.6% in Q1 2023, year-on-year. This results from the performance of extractive production (+10.8%), manufacturing production (+13.3%) and production of Electricity, Gas and Water (+10.6%).

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